Contact us

Need some help?

Step 1

Enter your contact details: we'll answer at the mail you specify here, so be sure to insert a valid one.

Step 2

You can choose among the following topics:

  • Signup & Login, if you have troubles with the registration or login phase
  • Enrollment, if you have problems related to the registration of the EBA details
  • API Integration, if you need support about the integration of your application with our APIs
  • Application request, if you have problems in requesting a new Application to call our APIs
  • OAuth, for any problem related to the OAuth2.0 authentication
  • Suggestions, if you have suggestions or feedback for us

Step 3

Write a subject, a message, and then send the request.

Step 4

When you send the request, you'll get a conversation ID. You can specify this ID later in subsequent requests, so that we can bind two requests to the same thread.

Step 5

Wait a feedback from our team

Step 6

If our answer does not satisfy you, open a new request, specifying your previous conversation ID.